Abstract The current article publishes a stela JE 99452 belongs to a chief priest called iaHms (Ahmose), with a Wab-priest called Wp-wAwt-ms (Wepwawt-mes). The relation between the two priests is not precised on the stela. This stela came from Asyut, preserved now in the Egyptian museum in Cairo. Although the stela was discovered in the Salakhana tomb of Djefaihapy III, from the Middle Kingdom (reign of Amenemhat II), it dates back to the Ramesside Period as registered in the database of the museum, where it is now stored inside the basement. It’s a round- topped stela, made from limestone, divided into two registers: the upper register depicts the god Osiris sitting, while the god Anubis standing behind him. The owner of the stela, Ahmose is kneeling in adoration gesture in front of them. The lower register depicts the goddess Hathor sitting, and Wepwawt--mes is kneeling in front of her. This study provides a comprehensive publication of the stela, scenes and inscriptions on its surface.
ABOU EL MAATI, Mona. (2024). "An UNPUBLISHED STELA IN THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM, CAIRO JE 99452 ". مجـلة کلية الآثـار بقنا - جامعة جنوب الوادي, 19(1), 79-102. doi: 10.21608/mkaq.2024.334727.1155
Mona ABOU EL MAATI. ""An UNPUBLISHED STELA IN THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM, CAIRO JE 99452 "", مجـلة کلية الآثـار بقنا - جامعة جنوب الوادي, 19, 1, 2024, 79-102. doi: 10.21608/mkaq.2024.334727.1155
ABOU EL MAATI, Mona. (2024). '"An UNPUBLISHED STELA IN THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM, CAIRO JE 99452 "', مجـلة کلية الآثـار بقنا - جامعة جنوب الوادي, 19(1), pp. 79-102. doi: 10.21608/mkaq.2024.334727.1155
ABOU EL MAATI, Mona. "An UNPUBLISHED STELA IN THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM, CAIRO JE 99452 ". مجـلة کلية الآثـار بقنا - جامعة جنوب الوادي, 2024; 19(1): 79-102. doi: 10.21608/mkaq.2024.334727.1155