:Seth Against Apophis Originating The Scene Depicting Seth Spearing Apophis

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


department of Egypyology, cairo uni


The binary oppositions or contrasts that complement each other are evident in Ancient Egypt. One of the most well-known archetypes in ancient Egyptian religion is the combat between Horus and Seth; the strife between Good and evil. But when speaking about Seth and Apophis, separately we see them both in a different aspect. Apophis is always a symbol of evil. But concerning Seth, matters changed. Seth has a binary aspect.
The Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts, and the Book of the Dead mention huge numbers of spells recited to protect the king and then the dead from the danger threatened by snakes. then, by the time of the NK, we find for the first time a scene representing Seth in the barque of the god Rea sharing in repelling the serpent Apophis together with other deities to defend Rea.
Contrary to the well-known negative attitude of Seth, we see Seth as one of the crew, in the 7th Hour of New Kingdom Book of Amduat-middle register- stands on the prow of the sun-god barque protecting Rea against Apophis.
therefore, in the course of this article, we shall have to ask when and how the god Seth becomes the fighter of snakes, and why did Seth become the main and only deity who continues to be depicted in the solar barque spearing Apophis to defend Rea? This concept, which is transmitted through various changes might go -according to this study- back to the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts!

الكلمات الرئيسية

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