Bw As Non-integral and Integral Lexeme

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية



When the periphrastic system of Late Egyptian became more dominant, the negative particle / bw was combined with auxiliary verbs, such as   iri-in the combination  bw-ir- and  pw-[1]in the combination /  bwpw(y)-. Therefore, bw was no longer an extra element. This article will try to prove if bw from the beginning was an integral or non-integral element.


*I am grateful to Edward Love for correcting my English and to Professor Joachim Friedrich Quack for his feedback on a draft of this article.
[1] PA in Middle Egyptian: Wb. I 494(18); Faulkner 1991, 87; Černy-Groll 1993, 227; Hannig 2006, 287; and pw in Late Egyptian: Černy-Groll 1993, 227; Lesko 2002, 147.  

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