Les offrandes de viande dans l'Égypte ancienne d'après les représentations des temples Gréco-romaines

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Assistant Professor in the Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University


      Pieces of meat from animals that represent the god Seth until it is eliminated in a symbolic way and progress, for example, of the goddess Hathor in Dendera Temple and Horus in Edfu temple taken.
   This was the ritual offering to other deities sAt Ra for example the goddesses Tefnout and Nekhbet and others do not appear only when the smell barbecue.
   Ancient Egyptian across the distinct pieces stpw word meaning "choice", as word ASr refers to more than one part of the meat (thigh and ribs, liver and spleen) and placed in jars like a drink offering or providing frui, The word wabt refers to small cleanser thread of meat on the rack or the altar, and these pieces represent the enemies of the king.
   The meat xAw puts on the support xAwt or altar filled with millions of things, when he puts King distinct pieces on fire and before entering the priests of the goddess Sekhmet examine the meat and make sure it is fresh and unite with goddess Hathor, so King thirst the blood of enemies and smell the barbecue.

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