"Bones" Qsw" in pyramid texts"

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Lecturer, Fayoum University, Faculty of Archaeology


Ancient Egyptians paid special attention to the body and conserving it. Methods of care for and conservation of the body are numerous through the ages. The Ancient Egyptian also knew the diseases that of the bones and excelled in diagnosing its cases, the most of which is congenital defects in foot, leg, back and skull.
The word “Qsw” bones held a great and significant meaning in religious texts, especially pyramid texts. These texts pointed out the building of the body and fixture of bones to revive it once more. The building of bones and amending them appeared among religious rites such as the rite of mouth opening.
The deceased hoped to be like Osiris where his bones are purified and embodied by his royal characteristics, so that they become royal characteristics. Thus, he is resurrected as a governing king in the hereafter. His bones are also purified as a harpoon in its sharpness and strength, as well as being transformed into metallic bones due to the extreme strength and rigidity. He flew high in the sky as his bones are those of a falcon.
He word also appeared to carry an important meaning in legends and religious sects, such as the legend of On and the legend of Osiris. This is what is handled by this study.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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